A Little About Me...

My name is Marlena L. Marsh. I am married to my husband, Michael Marsh. We have been married for a little over five years. I am currently attending the University of South Alabama, double majoring in Elementary Education and Speech Therapy. I plan to graduate with honors and go on to teach the youth of today and help them excel and be the leaders of tomorrow.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Teaching Concepts

I have several teaching concepts that I plan to implement in my classroom. The first is that I will bring a fresh, new curriculum to my students each day. I will show them new concepts and methods of completing an assignment so that they will feel excited and engaged in the learning process. Secondly, I plan to make my classroom a place of learning. Bias, ridicule, gender, and race will all be left outside my door. My class will be a haven for learning for all students. I feel that this is necessary so that children recieve the best education that they deserve.
Lastly, I feel that my curriculum should be multicultural in nature. Our curriculum in school's today is largely Eurocentric in nature. I will add to this required curriculum with stories, facts, lessons, and personal experiences of my class so that the students will receive and education that will properly equip them for the future.

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